Mexico’s wine industry is the oldest in North America but the least talked about as it is overshadowed by nearby California. In fact, there are several regions across Mexico with vineyards producing top quality wine (and brandy). For instance, in Querétaro is Finca Sala Vivé owned by Freixenet (as in Spain’s famous cava producer) which is acknowledged to be one of the top 10 estates in the country.
To soak up this history and see first-hand the modern day developments, the young sommeliers chosen to represent their respective national Bailliages will as usual be taken on an educational tour.

Here is the proposed programme including the pre-Competition events:
Tuesday, September 18th
Competitors arrive from around the world
Wednesday, September 19th
Mexico City tour
Formal welcoming dinner for participants, companions, judges and committee
Thursday, September 20th
All day wine/spirits related tour – destination to be decided
Friday, September 21st
Semi-final of the Jeunes Sommeliers Competition to select the three competitors to go forward to the Final
Saturday, September 22nd
Morning – Final of the Jeunes Sommeliers Competition to decide the 1-2-3 placings
Evening – Awards and Induction Ceremony, part of the Grand Chapitre of the Bailliage of Mexico to celebrate the Jeunes Sommeliers
Competition and the culmination of the event
Sunday, September 23rd
Depart for home
Having received the approval of the International Board, the Competition Committee is delighted to be taking the 2018 International Final to Mexico. Bailli Délégué Thierry Blouet has expressed his deep honour at being chosen to host the Competition. He and his team are enthusiastically looking forward to welcoming everyone for what promises to be another outstanding occasion.
Marie Jones
International Vice President
Member of the International Jeunes Sommeliers Competition Committee
on behalf of Grand Argentier Joseph M Girard, Committee Chair